+ King of bandit JinG
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+ Chrno crusade
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+ Fullmetal Alchemist
+ Inne
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+ Openings
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no Gaara
Драгон Болл [ТВ] [1986]
Dragon Ball
Драконий жемчуг
Производство: Япония
Жанр: приключения, комедия, фэнтези, сёнэн
Тип: ТВ (153 эп.), 24 мин.
Трансляция: c 26.02.1986 по 19.04.1989
Режиссёр: Нисио Дайскэ
Снято по манге: Драконий жемчуг
Автор оригинала: Торияма Акира
Студия: Toei Animation
Самый знаменитый и популярный сериал 20 века!!!!!!! Посмотрев
его вы поймете, что многое из того, что восхищает в относительно новых аниме, было уже в Dragon Ball ;)
История рассказывает про мальчика по имени Гоку,
который однажды встречает девочку, и с этого момента начинается самое
невероятное приключение!!! Множество врагов, новые друзья и невероятные
события ожидают наших героев…
В каком порядке лучше смотреть эту серию:
Драконий жемчуг [ТВ] - ТВ (153 эп.),
адаптация манги, первый сериал, 1986
Драконий жемчуг: Фильм первый
- к/ф, альтернативный
вариант, 1986
Драконий жемчуг: Фильм второй
- к/ф, альтернативный
вариант, 1987
Драконий жемчуг: Фильм третий
- к/ф, альтернативный
вариант, 1988
Драконий жемчуг Зет [ТВ] - ТВ (291 эп.),
адаптация манги, второй сериал, 1989
Драконий жемчуг Зет: Фильм первый
- к/ф, side story (ответвление сюжета), 1989
Драконий жемчуг Зет: Фильм второй
- п/ф,
side story (ответвление
сюжета), 1990
Драконий жемчуг Зет: Фильм третий
- п/ф,
side story (ответвление
сюжета), 1990
Драконий жемчуг Зет: Спэшл первый - ТВ-спэшл
(1 эп.), side story (ответвление сюжета), 1990
Драконий жемчуг Зет: Фильм четвертый
- к/ф, side story (ответвление сюжета), 1991
Драконий жемчуг Зет: Фильм пятый
- к/ф, side story (ответвление сюжета), 1991
Драконий жемчуг Зет: Фильм шестой
- к/ф, side story (ответвление сюжета), 1992
Драконий жемчуг Зет: Фильм седьмой
- к/ф, side story (ответвление сюжета), 1992
Драконий жемчуг Зет: Спэшл второй - ТВ-спэшл
(1 эп.), side story (ответвление сюжета), 1993
Драконий жемчуг Зет: Фильм восьмой
- п/ф,
side story (ответвление
сюжета), 1993
Драконий жемчуг Зет: Фильм девятый
- к/ф, side story (ответвление сюжета), 1993
Драконий жемчуг Зет OVA -
OAV (2 эп.), side story (ответвление сюжета), 1993
Драконий жемчуг Зет: Фильм десятый
- к/ф, side story (ответвление сюжета), 1994
Драконий жемчуг Зет: Фильм
одиннадцатый - к/ф, side story (ответвление
сюжета), 1994
Драконий жемчуг Зет: Фильм
двенадцатый - к/ф, side
story (ответвление сюжета), 1995
Драконий жемчуг Зет: Фильм
тринадцатый - к/ф, side
story (ответвление сюжета), 1995
Драконий жемчуг ГТ [ТВ] - ТВ (64 эп.),
третий сериал, 1996
Драконий жемчуг: Фильм четвёртый
- п/ф,
ремейк начала первого сериала, 1996
Драконий жемчуг ГТ (спэшл) - ТВ-спэшл
(1 эп.), side story (ответвление сюжета) третьего сериала, 1997
Драгонболл: Сон-Гоку
и друзья возвращаются!! - к/ф, дополнение, 2008
Dragon Ball Kai - [ТВ] (>103 эп.), HD-версия Dragon Ball Z, 2009
001. Secret of the Dragon
002. The Emperor`s Quest
003. The Nimbus Cloud of Roshi
004. Oolong the Terrible
005. Yamcha the Desert Bandit
006. Keep an Eye on the Dragon Balls
007. The Ox-King of Fire
008. The Kamehameha Wave
009. Boss Rabbit`s Magic Touch
010. The Dragon Balls are Stolen
011. The Penalty is Pinball
012. A Wish to the Eternal Dragon
013. The Legend of Goku
014. Goku`s Rival
015. Look out for Launch
016. Find that stone!
017. Milk Delivery
018. The Turtle Hermit way
019. The Tournament Begins
020. Elimination Round
021. Smells Like Trouble
022. Yamcha vs. Jackie Chun
023. Monster Beast Giran
024. Krillin`s Frantic Attack!
025. Danger from Above
026. The Grand Finals
027. Number One Under the Moon
028. The Final Blow
029. The Roaming Lake
030. Pilaf and the Mystery Force
031. Wedding Plans?
032. The Flying Fortress: Vanished!
033. The Legend of a Dragon
034. Cruel General Red
035. Cold Reception
036. Major Metallitron
037. The Ninja Murasaki is Coming!
038. Five Murasakis
039. Mysterious Android No. 8
040. Horrifying Buyon
041. The Fall of Muscle
042. The Secret of Dr. Flappe
043. A Trip to the City
044. Master Thief, Hasaki
045. Danger in the Air
046. Bulma`s Bad Day
047. Kame House Found!
048. Deep Sea Blue
049. Roshi Surprise
050. The Trap is Sprung
051. Beware of Robot
052. The Pirate Treasure
053. Blue, Black, and Blue
054. Escape from Pirate
055. Penguin Village
056. Strange Visitor
057. Arale vs. Blue
058. The Land
of Korin
059. The Notorious Mercenary
060. Tao Attacks!
061. Korin
062. Sacred Water
063. The Return of Goku
064. The Last of Mercenary Tao
065. Confront the Red Ribbon Army
066. A Real Bind
067. The End of General Red
068. The Last Dragon Ball
069. Who Is Fortuneteller Baba
070. We Are The Five Warriors
071. Deadly Battle
072. Goku`s Turn
073. The Devilmite Beam
074. The Mysterious Fifth Man
075. The Strong Ones
076. True Colors Of The Masked Man
077. Pilaf`s Tactics
078. The Eternal Dragon Rises
079. Terror And Plague
080. Goku Vs Sky Dragon
081. Goku Goes To Demon Land
082. The Rampage Of InoShikaCho
083. Which Way To Papaya
084. Rivals and Arrivals
085. Preliminary Peril
086. Then There Were Eight
087. Yamcha vs Tien
088. Yamcha`s Big Break
089. Full-moon Vengeance
090. The Dodon Wave
091. Counting Controversy!
092. Goku Enters The Ring
093. Tien Shinhan VS
Jacky Chun
094. Stepping Down
095. Goku VS Krillin
096. Tail`s Tale
097. Final Match Goku VS Tien
098. Victory`s Edge
099. Tien`s Insurrection
100. The Spirit Canon
101. The End of the Tournament!
102. Enter King Piccolo
103. Tambourine Attacks
104. Mark of the Demon
105. Here Comes Yajirobe
106. Terrible Tambourine
107. Tien`s Atonement
108. Goku`s Revenge
109. Goku vs. Piccolo
110. Piccolo Closes In
111. Roshi`s Gambit
112. King Piccolo`s Wish
113. Siege on Chow
114. Conquest and Power
115. Awaken Darkness
116. A Taste of Destiny
117. The Ultimate Sacrifice
118. Prelude to Vengeance
119. Battle Cry
120. Goku Strikes Back
121. The Biggest Crisis
122. Final Showdown
123. Lost and Found
124. Temple
Above the Clouds
125. Earth`s Guardian Emerges
126. Eternal Dragon Resurrected
127. Quicker Than Lightning
128. Secret of the Woods
129. The Time Room
130. Goku`s Doll
131. Walking Their Own Ways
132. Hotter Than Lava
133. Changes
134. Preliminary Peril
135. Battle
of the Eight
136. Tien Shinhan vs.
Mercenary Tao
137. Anonymous Proposal
138. The Mysterious Hero
139. Rematch
140. Goku Gains Speed
141. The Four Faces of Tien
142. Kami vs Piccolo
143. Battle
for the Future
144. Super Kamehameha
145. Junior No More
146. Goku`s Trap
147. Goku Hangs On
148. The Victor
149. Dress in Flames
150. The Fire-Eater
151. Outrageous Octagon
152. Mystery of the Dark World
153. The End, The Beginning
Драгон Болл Зет [ТВ] [1989]
Dragon Ball Z
Драконий жемчуг зет
Производство: Япония
Жанр: приключения, комедия, фэнтези, сёнэн
Тип: ТВ (291 эп.), 25 мин.
Трансляция: c 26.04.1989 по 31.01.1996
Режиссёр: Нисио Дайскэ
Снято по манге: Драконий жемчуг
Автор оригинала: Торияма Акира
Студия: Toei Animation
Сон Гоку
живет спокойной жизнью, но затем появляются враги из космоса, планирующие
вторжение на Землю. Будущее человечества под угрозой. Сон Гоку со своими друзьями сражаются против врагов, но они
едва не погибают в битве против значительно более сильного противника. У
сына Сон Гоку Гохана репутация
труса, но он приходит на помощь отцу и становится намного сильнее его. Это
очень популярный сериал, показывающий, как сын возмужал в боях.
001. A Sheltered Boy: My Name
is Gohan
002. History`s Greatest Warrior is Goku`s Older Brother...
003. This is it! The World`s Strongest Pair
004. Piccolo`s Secret Ace! Gohan
the Crybaby
005. The Death of Son Goku!
006. The King is shocked. Fighting in his Netherworld?
007. Gohan`s Harsh Survival Training with
008. A Full Moon Transformation: The Secret of Gohan`s
009. Sorry Mr. Robot. The Tears that Disappeared in the Desert
010. Don`t Cry! Gohan`s
First Battle
11. The Saiya-jin, Greatest Warriors in the
Universe, Awake
12. Napping on the Path of the Snake ... Son Goku
Falls Off!
13. Keep your Hands Off! Enma-damaio`s Secret
14. Sweet Seduction ... The Snake Princess` Hospitality
15. Escape from Piccolo! Gohan and the Storm
16. Run Gohan! Back to Mt. Paozu
Where Chichi Waits
17. The Road to Victory is a Long One
18. The End of the Path of the Snake
19. Catch Bubbles! The Struggle With Gravity!
20. The Legend of the Saiya-jin ... Son Goku`s Roots
021. Appear Shenlon! The Saiya-jin
Are About to Arrive
022. That`s Ridiculous! Saiba
Men Sprout from the Ground
023. Yamucha Dies! The Frightening Saiba Men
024. Good-bye Ten...Chauzu`s Sacrifice
025. Tenshinhan`s Final Scream! His Last Energy
026. Waiting Patiently For 3 Hours. The Candy Cloud Flies
027. Leave It To Me. Gohan`s Explosion of Anger
028. The Savagery Of The Saiya-jin! Kami And Piccolo Die
029. Wow, Daddy! Kaio-sama`s Killer Technique
030. A Battle
Beyond Imagination: Son Goku vs. Vegeta
031. Now Goku! The Last Great Effort. Kamehameha X 3
032. Battle Power Tenfold! Vegeta`s Great
033. Don`t Die Daddy! Gohan`s
Inner Strength
034. Hit Him, Kuririn! The Energy Ball of Everyone`s Prayers
035. Super Saiya-jin, Son Gohan,
Performs a Miracle!
036. Leap Into Space! The Planet of Hope is Piccolo`s
037. The Mysterious Yunzabit...Find Kami`s Spaceship
038. Take off for Nameck! The Terror that Awaits
039. Friend or Foe! Children of the Mysterious Giant Spaceship
040. Really? That`s the Planet of Hope, Nameck?
041. The Kind Aliens...A Dragon Ball Suddenly Appears
042. Planet Freezer #79, Vegeta Recovers
043. All the Dragon Balls are Found. Mr. Piccolo Can Be Resurrected
044. A New Enemy in the Universe - Evil Lord Freezer
045. The Ambitious Vegeta...I`m
the Greatest Warrior!
046. Son Goku`s Power is Restored! Six Days to
the Milkyway
047. A Surprise Attack! The Target is the Scouter
048. Gohan is in Danger! The Death Warrior, Dodoria
049. The Explosive Dodoria and the Fearsome Shock
of Vegeta!
050. The Burning Escape - A Desperate Kamehameha
051. 100 Times Stronger! The Warriors Gather at Kaio-sama`s
052. Listen Up Goku! Hands Off Freezer!
053. Goosebump Time! Zarbon
Transforms into a Demon
054. Protect the Planet of Hope! Kuririn Powers
055. Back From the Brink of Death. The Miracle Man, Vegeta
056. Huge Battle
Power! Freezer`s Plot Crumbles
057. Son Goku Regains His Strength in 100G`s
058. Freezer`s Secret Weapon! The Demonic Ginyu Corps
059. Buruma`s in Danger! Freezer Gets the Dragon
060. Frontal Collision! Kamehameha and the Kaio Fighting Style
061. The Ultimate Battle
Nears! The Ginyu Special Corps Arrive
062. Son Goku Approaches Rapidly! Break through Freezer`s Defense
063. Awesome Magic or Trick? Mr. Gould is Mad Now!
064. Now Rikuum! He`s
Bad! He`s Strong! He`s
065. Don`t Die, Gohan!
Son Goku Finally Arrives
066. Son Goku, the Legendary Super Saiya-jin...
067. The Red and Blue Lightening Ball...Jees and Baata Attack!
068. Finally...the Clash. Commander Ginyu Appears
069. Goku`s Full Power is Awesome
070. The Hand of Evil Closes in on the Senior Elder!
071. What a Surprise! Son Goku is Ginyu and Ginyu is Son Goku!
072. Appear Super Shenlon and Grant my Wish!
073. He`s not me. Attack your Father, Gohan!
074. Ginyu turned into a Frog! Ouch
075. One Who Has All Seven Balls...Say the Right Words
076. Super Shenlon
Brings Kami and Piccolo Back to Life
077. The Birth of an Ultimate Warrior? Nail and Piccolo Merge
078. Battle
Power 1 Million -- Freezer Transforms
079. Is This the End? Terrifying Power Attacks Gohan
080. A Sudden Turn of Events. The Warrior Piccolo Arrives
081. Piccolo`s Confidence: I will Defeat Freezer!
082. We Need You, Goku! Freezer Transforms Again!
083. Be Terrified! Freezer Transforms a 3rd time!
084. Dende Dies . . . Bring out the Ultimate
085. Finally...! Son Goku Recovers!
086. Bitter Regret! The Proud Vegeta Dies
087. The Battle
Begins! I`ll Defeat You Myself
088. The Second Super Power of the Clash!
089. Freezer Declares, "I`ll Beat You
Without Using My Hands"
090. He`s Not Bragging...Son Goku
is Wonderful!
091. Life or Death Decision: Kaio Style 20X
092. A Mega Energy Ball...His Last Ace!
093. Piccolo Stakes His Life To Attack and Aid!
094. Who Survives the Incredible Power of the Energy Ball?
095. Son Goku Becomes the Legendary Super Saiya-jin!
096. His Rage Explodes! Avenge Everyone Son Goku!
097. An Attack of Evil ... Will Nameck be Destroyed?
098. I`ll be the Winner! The Final Attack
099. Shenlon! Fly Through Space! Nameck`s Destruction Nears!
100. I Am Son Goku`s Son! Gohan
Returns to the Battle
101. His Last Wish...I Will Stay On This Planet
102. Battle
to the End on a Dying Planet
103. Pitiful Freezer Cannot Stop Shaking
104. Son Goku Declares Victory...Freezer
105. The Defeat of Freezer...
106. Son Goku Vanishes in the Universe
107. Warriors Z come Back to Life
108. Garlic Junior Becomes God
109. The Black Mist of Horror
110. Heaven Turns into a Battlefield
111. Face to Face Encounter with Piccolo...
112. The War for Super Magic Water
113. The Life or Death Journey of Kami
114. The Mega Vigorous Battle
115. The World Awakes from the Nightmare
116. The last chance, Strike Makyo planet...
117. The 101st Proposal of Kuririn...
118. The Revenge of Freezer and his father...
119. I`ll stop Freezer, A Mysterious Boy Awaiting
Son Goku...
120. Freezer Decisively Defeated! Another Super Saiya-jin!
121. Hiya! It`s Been
awhile! The Return of Son Goku
122. My Father is Vegeta. The Mysterious Youth`s Confession...
123. Son Goku`s new Special Attack!? Look at my
instantaneous Movement!
124. I`ll Surpass you Goku! ! The Warrior Race Saiya-jin`s
125. A Driver`s License??? Son Goku`s New Ordeal...
126. Killers Without a Trace, Who are the Artificial Humans?
127. Cold blooded #20`s Path of Evil, Son Goku`s
Transformation of anger...
128. Son Goku`s Double Shock!! Caught between
Disease and the Enemy
129. Vegeta`s Strength, The Awakened Blood of a
Super Saiya-jin
130. The Invincible laugh of #20, DR. Gero`s
131. The Present is more Frightening than the Future! The Questions of
132. Pursuit Dr. Gero! Let`s
find the Mysterious Laboratory
133. And the Fear Became Reality...Number 17 and Number 18 Awaken!
134. Is it too late!? The final weapon to kill Son Goku
135. Super power with a lovely face!? No blind spot for number 18
136. The Untouchable Man-Made Humans .. Is it the
end of the Z fighters!?
137. Piccolo`s decision! His Last Resort
138. The walking weapon of destruction! The Artificial Humans moving closer
to Son Goku
139. An Evil Premonition! The Mystery That Buruma
Brought Up
140. Discovery of the Evil Egg! Trunks In Fear
141. Against An Enemy Never Faced Before...The Super Namek-sei-jin
is born!
142. Kamehameha!? The monster with Son Goku`s ki
143. The creature of hatred and destruction! It is the cyborg
144. Piccolo`s regretful mistake! Cell escaped to
the city!
145. The secret of Cell`s birth! What`s in the basement of the lab!?
146. Son Goku awakens for the battle! Go beyond
the Super Saiya-jin!
147. Hurry with the training Saiya-jin! The room
of spirit and time
148. The heaven splitting violent light beam! Piccolo vs
Cyborg number 17
149. I have been waiting for this day! The prelude to Cell`s
150. The counterattack with his life wasn`t
enough! Piccolo has come to an end!
151. The only one remaining hope.. The silent warrior
Number 16 gets up!
152. He swallowed Number 17.. The transformed Cell
is a super gourmet
153. I`ll pound you tomorrow! Son Goku`s challenge
154. I`ll settle everything! The new Vegeta father and son take off
155. Immediately going all out! Vegeta`s brilliant
super power
156. Cell kneel! I`m the
Super Vegeta!
157. The dangerous pride! The challenge to the complete Cell!
158. I can`t make up my mind! Kuririn`s
maneuvering to destroy Number 18!!!
159. A shock to the entire universe! Cell`s
evolution into completeness
160. Infinite attack power! A God of destruction called Cell is born
161. Super Vegeta in danger! The completely
perfect terror draws near!
162. Go beyond the limit of Super Saiya-jin! Trunks calls on a storm
163. Save your father! Trunks` anger that scorches the heavens
164. The future of despair! The man who lived through the hell, Trunks
165. A weakness in Super Trunks! Cell`s very
shocking statement
166. Myth of the New World Top Martial
Arts Competition
167. Viewer rating 100%! Live coverage of the deadly Cell game
168. Super Power of Son Goku and Gohan. Increase your power to the Max
169. Son Goku`s composure!? Just rest and wait
for the Cell game
170. The relaxation of the fighters...The girl the lie and Gohan`s decision
171. The hidden strength! When Gohan was a baby
172. Find the Kamisama! Son Goku,
the great instantaneous teleportation
173. Dende Bring`s the
Dragon Balls back to Life
174. Wisely snatching the Dragon Balls, Mr. Satan shows his stuff
175. Prelude to the Final Battle!
Mr. Satan is going to Fight First...
176. Here come`s Satan`s
Army! Mr. Satan Gets Beat in one hit...
177. Son Goku and Cell Square Off together...
178. Direct Hit on Earth! Cell`s Kamehameha
179. Lose or Die. Son Goku`s Secret Turnabout
180. The End of the Desperate Struggle. Son Goku`s
181. Someone Who Will Succeed the Strongest! His name is Gohan
182. Gohan get Mad: Release the Sleeping Power
183. Small Wonders!!! Cell`s Juniors Attack
184. The Tragedy of Number 16. Super Gohan`s Anger
185. Real Power Blowup. Exploding Cell Juniors
186. Gohan Staggers Cell with 2 Punches
187. Cell`s Perfect Body Breaks Down
188. Bye Bye Everyone!!! Son Goku`s
last Teleportation
189. A Nightmare is Reborn... The Absolute Terror
190. From Father To Son Goku`s Spirit Passed Down
191. The Fight is over. Thank you? Son Goku!!!
192. I`ll Be up there. Farewell with a Smile
193. Gohan tells Chichi about Son Goku`s death. Trunks Leaving for the Future!!
194. I`ll protect the Future!!! Trunks eradicates No. 17, No. 18 and Cell
195. The Strongest in Hades. Goku confronts the Ginyu Force, Freezer, Cold and Cell
196. An Assembly of fighters from all Eras...Goku
enters Dai-Kaio`s tournament
197. Hold that breath! The Son Goku Hurricane
198. Son Goku makes it to the final round. Goku vs. Pikuhan
199. Son Goku vs. Pikuhan,
the battle continues. What, disqualification?
200. Seven Years since that Event!! From now on Im
a High School Student
201. The Debut of the Champion and Lover of Justice "The Great Saiya-man"
202. Gohan`s Mixed up First Date
203. Gohan you must move quick!
Save Videl...
204. A Great Theft! And the Culprit is The Great Saiya-man
205. Son Goku`s Resurrected as Well!! He`s coming to the Tenkachi Budokai
206. Gohan is Surprised Too. Goten`s
Explosive Power
207. AHH! I Flew!! Videl Learns to fly
208. Welcome Back Son Goku! The Whole Z Team is
209. You`re in Danger Great Saiya-man!...Guard your-self against Camera Attacks
210. Not Bad Little Trunks
211. It`s My Turn!! Goten`s
Nerves First Fight
212. Pleasure a Hundred Times Over! The New Junior Champion has Been
213. What Will you do Mr. Satan?? The Greatest Crisis in History!!
214. An Opponent is Drawn! Let`s start the first
Match Without Delay!
215. What`s Wrong Piccolo? The Impossible
216. Disgusting and Immortal!! The Mystery of Supopo
217. No Mercy for Videl. Will the Anger Bring
Super Gohan?
218. Unmasked! ! ! The Great Saiya-man
is Son Gohan
219. A Sneaky plan! Gohan`s power gets stolen
220. The Appearance of Darkness! ! The Evil
Magician Babi-dee...
221. A Trap in Waiting. A Challenge from the Darkside
222. Don`t Mess with me. Vegeta`s
first Attack is filled with Anger
223. Son Goku At full power. Take that Yaken!!!
224. A Huge Mistake!!! Satan vs. the 3 Super Warriors!?
225. The Kids are Strong! A tough fight for Number 18!
226. The Debut of the King of Evil. It`s your
turn Gohan!!
227. The Heart of Evil Found. Doubler`s good idea
228. The Rebirth of Vegeta, Prince of
Destruction! Confusion enters The Ring...
229. The Fated Battle!
Son Goku vs. Vegeta...
230. Wait for us Babi-dee! We won`t
let you continue your Evil
231. The Seal is Broken... The Ultimate Evil Majin
Buu Appears...
232. I won`t let you Be Reborn! The Kamehameha to change fate!
233. A Straight Path to Destruction!? Kaio in
234. The Terrifying Majin Buu!
It`s feared That Gohan
is on the Brink of Death!!!
235. I`m going to Eat You! The Starving Majin`s Psychic Powers...
236. A Warrior`s Resolve!! I`m
going to Destroy Majin Buu
237. For The Sake of my Loved ones... Vegeta
238. The Nightmare continues! Majin Buu is still Alive
239. Videl`s Struggle, Searching for the Dragon
240. A Big Hope. The Kids` New Ultimate Attack!!!
241. Goten and Trunks! The Whole World`s Ordered to find them...
242. Gohan Revived -- Kaioshin`s
Secret Weapon!?
243. I Pulled It Out! The Legendary Zed Sword...
244. He`s After the Western Capital!!! Stop Majin Buu
245. Oh! What a Surprise!! The Super Saiya-jin 3
246. Bye Bye Babi-dee!!!
Majin Buu Rebels...
247. Incredible Ugly!? The Special Transformation Training
248. Bye Bye Everyone. Son Goku
Goes back to the After Life
249. Where`s Gohan??
The Harsh Training on Kaioshin`s Planet
250. This can`t be true! The Zed Sword get`s Broken...
251. The Birth of Super Fusion, The Name is Gotenks!
252. The Last Weapon Mobilized. Satan will save the Earth
253. I`ve given up Killing! Majin
Buu`s Boy Scout Pledge!!!
254. Run Away Satan! The Appearance of the evil Majin
255. Who Will Win?! A Battle
Between Good and Evil Buus
256. The Impatient Destruction! The Extinction of Humanity...
257. The Training was a Success! Your Finished now Majin
258. I`m Really going to fight this time! Super Gotenks goes all out...
259. I did it! The Ghosts succeeded in defeating Majin
260. Inter Dimensional escape! Super Gotenks 3?
261. Have we gone too Far? Buu Buu Volleyball...
262. Even Greater, The Remade Gohan goes To
263. He`s overwelming Buu. Gohans Miraculous Power
264. Gohan can`t be beaten!
Buu self-destructs
265. Buu commits a Foul! Gotenks
is absorbed!?
266. Come Back Son Goku! Save the Universe
267. One more Miracle. The Super Fusion With Gohan...
268. Vegeta`s Pride and Son Goku`s
Anger!!! The Birth of the Invincible Hero
269. The Ultimate Power. Vegetto the Lethal
270. The Dimension is Shattered! Is Buu out of
271. Buu`s favorite Technique!! Become Candy!
272. Buu Fighting SSJ3 candy
drop, and losing. Vegetto gets Absorbed
273. No more fusion, Buu`s Digestive system
274. Is that you Gohan? Buu`s
Victim`s Attack!
275. Buu`s inner body experience, The Great
276. Where`s the Exit!? Escape from the failing Buu!!
277. Good Bye Earth!! Buu falls into evil...
278. Buu get over here! Finish it off in Kaioshin-Ka!!
279. Seize the future! The Big Battle over the universe
280. Vegeta`s Hat`s
off. Son Goku, you are #1
281. Hold on Vegeta! A minute fight at the risk
of life
282. Don`t tease Satan!! The original Majin Buu returns!!
283. Vegeta`s secret plan!! Porunga`s
two wishes!
284. Our last hope! A Really Huge Genki-Dama
285. Big Appreciation! It`s here, Everyone`s Energy Ball...286. Son Goku
is the Strongest after all!!! Majin Buu is Destroyed...
287. Peace is Restored! Friend of Justice, Majin Buu!?
288. You`re late, Son Goku!
Everyone`s Partying!
289. Grandpa Goku! I`m
290. I`m Uubu. Now 10
years old, Formerly Majin Buu
291. To Become Stronger! Son Goku`s Dream is to
Surpass it!!
Драгон Болл GT [ТВ] [1996]
Dragon Ball GT
Драконий жемчуг БП
Производство: Япония
Жанр: приключения, комедия, фэнтези, сёнэн
Тип: ТВ (64 эп.), 24 мин.
Трансляция: c 07.02.1996 по 19.11.1997
Режиссёр: Касай Осаму
Автор оригинала: Торияма Акира
Студия: Toei Animation
продолжение приключений нашего любимого Гоку! На
этот раз из-за проделок Пирафа Гоку
и еще двум героям Транксу и Пан приходится
отправиться в космос на поиски затерянных кристалов
Красного Дракона! Что их ждет на неизвестных угалках
вселенной? Каких врагов им предстоить встретить? И
чем все это закончится? Если вам это интересно, тогда вперед…смотрите!!!!!
01. The mysterious Dragon
balls appear!! Son Goku becomes a child!?
02. I am the Leader! Pan Flies into Space!!
03. The Ultimate Moneygrubbers!! Imegga, Planet
of Merchants
04. Wanted!! Goku is a criminal!?
05. See, the Strong Guy!! The Bodyguard Rejjik
06. It hurts, eh!? Goku the dentist
07. Beloved Honey!? The Betrothed is Trunks
08. Son Goku also Thunders!! The Whiskers` Power
is at Full
09. Damn!! Goku Leaps into the Trap Planet!?
10. Dance Attack!? Boom-shakalaka!!
11. The Curse of Ruudo!? Pan turns into a Doll
12. The Oracle of God is REALLY Troublesome!! Soldier Ruudo
13. This is Father and Son? The Riddle of Scientist Myuu
14. Can We Get the Rhythm Down Perfectly!? Capture Ruudo!!
15. "I Can`t Take Anymore!!" Pan Runs
16. Machine Planet M2... Gill the Backstabber!?
17. Waiting for Pan!! The Tactical Strike to Rescue Son Goku!!
18. Yo, Some Data is Missing!! Son Goku`s Ultimate True Determination
19. Set Out and Attack!! The Mighty Mutant Rirudo
20. Surprise!! Goku`s Attacked By a Metal Storm
21. What is this!! Goku is Turned to Metal
22. Violent Ambition!! Birth of the Evil `Bebi`
23. A Hidden Crisis? A Spacewrecked and
Mysterious Boy
24. Bebi`s Counterattack!! Target the Saiya-jin!!
25. Oh no!! Bebi Has Appeared on Earth
26. Gohan and Goten...
The Worst Brotherly Spat!?
27. Ambition Achieved!? Vejita Possessed
28. Goku Returns... "All of Earth is My
29. This is Really Bad!? Supper Saiya-jin 3
30. Goku Has Passed On!? "I`m Dead"
31. What the...!? The Sky of Suguro-ku Studio is
32. Goku Returns!! Angry Fighter Uubu
33. Eat This, Bebi! New Uubu`s
Killing Light Ray!!
34. The Transformation Fails? Giant Ape Goku`s
35. Final Strength! Goku Becomes Super Saiya-jin 4!!
36. Immortal Monster!? Atrocious Giant Monkey Bebi
37. Bebi and Goku --
Double KO!!
38. From Everyone`s Power... The Revival of Super
Goku 4
39. This is How it Ends! At Last, Bebi`s
40. Earth Explodes!! Piccolo`s Serious
41. Tenkai-Ichi Budoukai.Who
Will Be Satans Successor?
42. Die, Son Goku!! The Revived Strong Enemies
Escape From Hell
43. Hell`s Devil Fighters!! The Revival of Cell
and Freezer
44. The Ultimate Android! The Two #17s Unite
45. Hurry, Goku!! The Plan to Escape From Hell
46. Crash!! SSJ4 vs Super #17
47. The Big Reversal! Son Goku`s and #18`s 2-Step
Attack Explosion
48. This is a Surprise! Shenron is the Enemy?!
49. The Strongest Enemy!? The Fear of the Underhanded-Trick Using Dragon
50. Saiya-jin Power Dies in Honorable Defeat!?
Electrical Fighter Uu Shinlon
51. Ryuu Shinlon!
Looking for the Big Tornado Attack`s Weak Point
52. Pan, Look Out! To be Possessed by Chii-Shenron
53. Pan Dies!? The Tears of 10x`s Kamehame-ha
54. 6000 Degree Celsius Power! The Fighter of the Sun
55. Bulma Begins Working on Vejita`s
Makeover Plan!
56. After the Sun, Comes the Freeze! The Fire and Ice
57. The Overwhelmingly Strong Enemy!! The Ruling Evil
58. Counterattack Returned! Super 4 is Surpassed
59. Friend? Foe?... Were-monkey Vejita on the Rampage
60. Fu--sion!! The Ultimate Super Gojita
61. I WILL Win!! Goku Swallows the #4 Dragonball
62. To the Rescue!! Goku`s Final Assistant
63. The Miracle Turnaround Victory!! Son Goku
Pleads with the Galaxy for Help
64. Goodbye, Goku... Till the Day We Meet Again
Dragon Ball Kai [2009]
Производство: Япония
Жанр: приключения, комедия, фэнтези, сёнэн
Тип: ТВ (>103 эп.), 25 мин.
Трансляция: c 05.04.2009
Снято по манге: Dragon Ball
Автор оригинала: Торияма Акира
Студия: Toei Animation
"Отреставрированная версия"
ТВ-сериала Dragon Ball Z
001. The
Curtain Opens On Battle!
Son Goku's Back!
002. The Enemy Is Goku's Older Brother?! The Secret
Of The Saiya, The Mightiest Warriors
003. Goku And Piccolo, The Ultimate Tag-team! The
Fierce Battle
Against Raditz!
004. Son Goku's Dead...? Arduous Training In Both
This World And The Next!
005. Survival in the Wilderness! The
Moonlight Lets Gohan Watch Further
006. Finally Arriving at the End!
Kaio-sama's Playful Test
007. Make Your Weight 10-times and Fight
Goku, Train Hard!
008. Shenlong Appears! The
Unintentionally Quick Appear of the Saiya-jins!
009. Yamcha's Hard Struggle! Fear the
010. Wait Chaozu! Tenshinhan's Kikouhou
011. Will Son Goku Make It?! The Battle
Resumes in 3 Hours
012. The Tears Shed by Piccolo... Son
Goku Rage's Great Counterattack!
013. This is the Kaiouken!! Battle to the
Limits, Goku vs. Vegeta
014. Clashing Kamehameha! Vegeta
Tenacity's Great Transformation
015. Desperate Goku! Entrust your wish
into the Genkidama
016. Immortal Vegeta's Defeat! Cause a
miracle, Son Gohan
017. Fierce Battle's Dawn... The Star of
Hope is Piccolo's Birthplace
018. The Space Ship That Sleeps in
Yunzabitto! Let's Takeoff to Namekkusei Now
019. A new strong enemy! Emperor of the
Universe, Freeza
020. Rebellion Against Freeza! Vegeta,
Burning With Ambition
021. Protect the Dragon Balls! The
Namekkuseijin's General Offensive
022. Dodoria in Terrifying Hot Pursuit!
Vegeta Learns the Truth
023. Vegeta's Secret Plan! Tragedy That
Strikes the Namekian
024. Resurrected Friends! Beautiful
Warrior Zarbon's Evil Transformation
025. Krillin's Power-Up! Freeza
Foreboding's Squirming
026. Breaking Scatter Conspiracy!
Vegeta's Counterattack vs. Zarbon
027. A Hair-Trigger Pinch! Gohan, Protect
the Four Star Ball
028. The Super Decisive Battle Draws
Near! The Ginyu Special Force Has Arrived!
029. The Special Squadron's First! Break
Gurd's Spell
030. The Hellish Reacoom! Make Me Enjoy
This Vegeta-chan
031. Son Goku's Arrival At Last! Kick
About The Ginyuu Special Squadron
032. The Headliner's Entrance!? Captain
Ginyuu vs Son Goku
033. The Full Path, Son Goku! Is there a
Secret Plan of the Shaking Ginyuu!?
034. Surprise! Goku is Ginyu and Ginyu is
035. Goku's Sudden Betrayal!? Now is the
Time to Appear, Super Shenlong!
036. An Excited Freeza Approaches!
Porunga... Please Grant the Wish!
037. A Bad Dream! Freeza with One Million
of Fighting Power
038. Freeza Bares His Fangs! Transcendent
Power Attacks Gohan
039. A Reborn Piccolo Appears! Enraged
Freeza's Second Transformation
040. Freeza's Last Super Transformation!
A Terror Greater Than Hell Begins
041. How I've waited for This Moment! Son
Goku Revived
042. Defeat Freeza Son Gokuu! The High
Pride Vejiita's Tears
043. Son Goku vs Freeza! This is My Final
044. A Battle Breaking All Limits! Goku,
Freeza and Ginyu Again!?
045. It's a 20x Kaioken! A Kamehameha
With Everything on the Line
046. This is the Last Trump Card! Goku's
Extra Large Genki Dama
047. Legendary Warrior Awakens... Super
Saiyan, Son Goku!!
048. The Angry Super Saiyan! Throw Your
Hat in the Ring Son Goku!